Emergency Water Main Break

*** Update: January 1, 2022 @ 7:45 a.m. ***

A huge “Thank You!” to Chad Rodebeck and his crew, DrainMaster, as well as our team (Shane Still, Mason Barton, Brady Adamson, and Mikey Heidinger) for all of their hard work last night. Working 10+ feet into the frozen ground to fix a leaking water pipe, and being away from their families and friends (and a warm house!) was not in anyone’s New Year’s Eve plans. They tackled this emergency at unreasonable hours in miserable conditions. We appreciate everything that they do for our community!

Repairs to the water main were completed around 4:30am. The system has been re-pressurized. The hole has been filled to prevent freezing but for your safety please respect barriers.

Work will be completed in the next few days as weather and circumstances permit.

You may need to run taps for a bit to flush any discoloration.


*** Update: December 31, 2021 @ 11:10 p.m. ***

Due to the cold temperatures, as well as the frozen ground, it is taking Public Works crews longer to isolate the leak.

Repairs are on-going. The water remains off in the immediate area.

Updates will be posted as they become available.


December 31, 2022 @ 6:35 p.m.

Public Works is on site at an emergency water main break at the intersection of 4 Street and 2 Avenue. Crews have been called and repairs are currently underway.

There is the possibility of water disruptions. Fill pots, pans, water jugs and bathtubs for water use.

Please check this post for updates, or at the Village of Stirling Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/villageofstirling