June 12, 2022 – Heavy Rain in the Forecast

Heavy rains are expected over the next few days. It’s a lot of water in a relatively short period of time.

A few things to check today while you still have a chance:

  1. Ensure downspouts are in place and lowered to move rainfall away from your foundations.
  2. Verify your sump pump is turned on and working. (If your home is equipped with one.)
  3. Remove leaves, grass clippings and other accumulated debris away from storm drains to allow water runoff to flow easily.
  4. Follow weather updates from Environment Canada.

We are still waiting for approval of government funding to upgrade the lift station and force main to the lagoons. We know that sudden heavy rains often put the lift station under strain. You can help by:

a. Reducing the use of dishwashers and doing laundry on Monday and Tuesday.

b. Ensuring underground sprinklers and other irrigations systems are shut off.

c. Limiting any other excess or unnecessary water use.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please call the Village office at 403-756-3379.