Friendly Reminders When it Snows!

A few friendly reminder to our residents when it snows:
– Please make sure your garbage bins and vehicles (if possible) are off the streets. This aids our Public Works team when they are removing the snow. Plowing around items means roads cannot be cleared properly.
– If you have a property with a sidewalk, please try to keep it clear by moving the snow off the sidewalks and onto your property, not Village roads.
– If you need help clearing sidewalks or driveways, contact a neighbour, a friend, put out a call on social media or on the bulletin board by the Post Office. There are wonderful people in our community who would help out.
– Kids coming and going from school aren’t always paying attention to traffic, and they don’t always understand that cars cannot stop quickly on slippery streets. Be aware, slow down and leave extra space.
– You can find our Snow Clearing Policy HERE.