2021 Provincial Referendum

On Monday, October 18, 2021, even though the Village of Stirling will not be holding a Municipal Election this year due to our acclaimed five Councillors, Stirling residents will still be able to vote on whether:

  • to remove the principle of equalization payments from Canada’s constitution
  • Alberta should remain on Daylight Saving Time (summer hours) year-round

Results of the referendum will be made public following the vote. General information about the referendum is available on the Elections Alberta website

*** Voting will take place at the Stirling Community Centre/Lions Hall, located at 409 – 2 Street, from 10am until 8pm. ***


Equalization gives federal funding to provinces less well-off so that all provinces can provide a similar level of services to their citizens. This funding mainly comes from federal taxes and fees.

Referendum question

Albertans will be asked the following question on the ballot:

Should section 36(2) of the Constitution Act, 1982 – Parliament and the government of Canada’s commitment to the principle of making equalization payments – be removed from the constitution?

A ‘yes’ vote means that Albertans are calling upon the federal government and other provinces to enter into discussions on a potential amendment to the Constitution of Canada in respect of equalization.

A ‘no’ vote means that Albertans are not calling upon the federal government and other provinces to enter into discussions on a potential amendment to the Constitution of Canada in respect of equalization.

Next steps

If Albertans vote ‘yes’ to this question, the Alberta government would approach the federal government to initiate such discussions.

A ‘no’ vote means the Government of Alberta will not take further steps.

Daylight Saving Time

Summer hours (Daylight Saving Time) are the hours we observe in Alberta each year from the second Sunday in March until the first Sunday in November, when we revert to Standard Time.

Referendum question

Albertans will be asked the following question on the ballot:

Do you want Alberta to adopt year-round Daylight Saving Time, which is summer hours, eliminating the need to change our clocks twice a year?

Next steps

If a majority of voters in the referendum vote ‘yes,’ the Government of Alberta must take steps to implement the results of the referendum.

A ‘no’ vote means the Government of Alberta will not take further steps and Albertans will continue changing their clocks twice a year.

Regardless of the outcome of the referendum, Albertans will still change their clocks in the fall of 2021 and the spring of 2022.  If Albertans vote to adopt summer hours permanently, that change would not happen before fall 2022.
