
EV Charging Stations

Stirling Fire Hall: 202 – 4 Avenue Administration Building: 229 – 4 Avenue Stirling Pool: 525 – 4 Avenue (located on the East side of the pool, along 5 Street) … Continue Reading »

2023 Settler Days: Stirling Walking Club – 5k Walk and Talk

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Summer 2023: Gravelling & Oiling Roads

Beginning on Monday, June 19, the Village Public Works team will be adding gravel to some of the roads in town in preparation for oiling.  The County of Warner is in charge of the oiling schedule and may only be able to prov… Continue Reading »

2023 Settler Days: Family Softball Tournament

Get some teams together and come out for a great time! … Continue Reading »

Council Highlights from June 7, 2023

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2023 Swimming Pool Season

The pool is located at 525 – 4 Avenue and is tentatively scheduled to open on Saturday, July 1, 2023. Beginning this year, the pool, concession and What’s Pop’n will be open on Sundays! Weekly schedules will be posted so … Continue Reading »

Public Notice: Scheduled Water Shut Off for Hydrant Replacement

Update: June 8, 2023 @ 2:20 p.m. The repairs have been completed and the system has been re-pressurized. Thanks you for your patience while we completed this work! ****************************************************** A … Continue Reading »

June 6, 2023 – Emergency Water Line Break

Update: Tuesday, June 6 @ 4:40 p.m. Water has been restored! Please be gentle with water usage as the system is still pressuring up. Run your taps for a few minutes to get rid of any turbidity. A huge thanks to our co… Continue Reading »

Stirling Public Library Grand Opening!

The Stirling Public Library will be hosting its long overdue grand opening on Wednesday, June 7th from 4pm to 7pm. Come out and enjoy some free hot dogs, chips, pop, and cake, and then put your name in the hat for a chanc… Continue Reading »

Curbside Garbage Collection – New Pick-Up Day Starting in June!

Weekly Garbage Collection Will Begin June 7, 2023 The Village has entered into an agreement with the Town of Raymond that will see the Raymond garbage truck picking up the waste bins.  The new garbage pick-up schedule will n… Continue Reading »