2 Street between 4th Avenue and 5th Avenue
Location: Peak Power: 2019 Generation:
Public Works Shop 12.2 kWp 15.126 MWh
Lion’s Hall/Community Centre 16.7 kWp 21.591 MWh
FCSS Building 11.5 kWp 14.731 MWh
Fire Hall 11.1 kWp 13.296 MWh
Total 51.5 kWp 64.744 MWh
Ground mounted arrays can be found adjacent to the Village’s lift station on the corner of 1st Avenue and 5th Street. The ground array generates electrical power used to offset consumption at other Village facilities including: soccer field, reunion centre, campground outlets, solid waste transfer station, bulk water station, Michelson Farmstead, street lights, administration building and the tourism/information kiosk.