Step Back into History When Steam Was King
This Victorian Depot was built in 1890 by Sir Alexander Galt and his son Elliott Galt who were partners in a consortium of investors from Canada, England and the United States. As part of the facilities on the Great Falls and Canada Railway (stretching from Great Falls to Lethbridge) it was one of only two “Lunch Stations”.
Straddling the international border its massive length and platform stretched from Sweetgrass, Montana into Coutts, Alberta N.W.T. from 1890 to 1917. It was truly the international “port of entry” by rail.
Moved for a second time in 2000, this grand old depot was relocated to a site developed to reflect an exciting era of railway in Southern Alberta, the Galt Historic Railway Park near Stirling, Alberta.
Visit the Station and…
- Share the experiences of train passengers, station employees, customs officers and the North West Mounted Police.
- Learn of their journeys, hopes and expectations.
- Explore the secrets of steam train travel
- Discover how food at the station tasted.
- Imagine the uncertainty immigrants faced in a new land.
- Hear about pioneer life on the prairies, the bustling activities at the station, and challenges of cross-border travel more than 100 years ago.