Technical Difficulties Keyboard

Delayed Water Bills for November

Update: December 4, 2024 @ 12:20 p.m.
All water meters have been re-read and the bills have been processed! For those who normally receive their bills via email, your bill should be waiting for you in your inbox.
For those who normally receive their bills through Canada Post, you can pick up a copy of your bill at the Village Office (237 - 4 Avenue; Monday to Friday, 8:00am - 12:30pm, and 1:00pm - 4:00pm). You can also call us at 403-756-3379, or email us at to find out the balance owing, or to make a payment (as mentioned in yesterday's update).
Thanks for your patience! Stay warm!


Update: December 3, 2024 @ 1:55 p.m.

Hopefully the techs worked the bugs out of the system! We will be reading meters (again) today and tomorrow. The bills will be processed when the readings come in.

A friendly reminder: with Canada Post currently not delivering mail, bills will NOT be mailed. They can be emailed to you, or you can come and pick them up at the Village Office at 237 - 4 Avenue. You can also call us to find out what your balance is and pay over the phone with a Visa or Mastercard. You can find more options about paying your bill here. If you have any questions, please contact us at 403-756-3379 or


Good morning, Stirling!

Unfortunately, we are experiencing issues of the technical kind with our water meter reader, so no bills have been processed or sent out. Our techs are working on it, and we hope to have everything sorted out ASAP. We'll keep you updated!