Tax Installment Payment Program (TIPP) - Annual Update
Many Village residents choose to pay their property taxes through TIPP. If you are on this program, it is important to know that July 15 of each year, the monthly withdrawal amount changes - it will increase or decrease depending on if your property taxes increased or decreased.
If you look on your current Taxation Notice and Property Assessment (see the example below), about halfway down the page on the left-hand side, is a box that says Tax Installment Payment Program. It tells you the amount you are currently paying, the new installment amount beginning July 15 of the current year, and the installment amount beginning January 15 of the next year (please refer to the example below).
Make sure you know the updated amount that will be withdrawn from your bank account on July 15. We don't want you getting charged with an NSF fee of $45.00!
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Administration Office at 403-756-3379, or email us at
If you are interested in joining TIPP, contact us and we'll get you all the necessary information.