2023 Provincial General Election

Website: Elections Alberta | Chief Electoral Office

Election Day is Monday, May 29, 2023


To be eligible to vote, you must be:

  • a Canadian citizen,
  • at least 18 years of age on Election Day, and
  • ordinarily resident in Alberta.

Register to Vote

Registering to vote saves you time when you vote! Electors who are already on the List of Electors at their current address do not have to register at the voting place. You may pre-register:

You may also register to vote at any advance voting location or your assigned voting place on Election Day.

Voting Days

Eligible electors may vote on Election Day, at any Advance Voting Place or by Special Ballot.

  • On Election Day, Monday, May 29, electors must vote at their assigned voting place. All voting locations will be open from 9:00 am – 8:00 pm.
  • Advance voting starts on Tuesday, May 23 and continues daily, ending on Saturday, May 27. Any eligible elector may vote at any advance voting location in Alberta.
  • Special Ballot voting is available for all electors unable to vote in advance or on Election Day.

Advance Voting

During advance voting days, May 23 – 27, 2023, you can vote at any advance voting location in Alberta. This tool will allow you to find the 10 closest locations to where you are. This may use GPS/location data to find your current location. Find Advance Locations

Election Day Voting

On Election Day, May 29, 2023, you must vote at the voting place identified for your physical address. This tool will only work if you use your home address on the map. Find Election Day Location