2024 Youth Challenge: Why I Love Alberta

Immediate Release

Agriculture for Life (Ag for Life) and Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) are excited to launch the “Why I Love Alberta Youth Challenge.” This cutting-edge video contest invites Alberta high school students to unleash their creativity and showcase why they think Alberta is the best place to study, work and live. The Why I Love Alberta (YI#LoveAlberta) Youth Challenge is designed to provide students with a platform to craft compelling video narratives that delve into the distinct and positive attributes of their communities.  “We believe in the power of our youth to shape the future of Alberta and the Why I Love Alberta Youth Challenge provides a platform for them to express their creativity and pride in our incredible province,” said Luree Williamson, CEO Ag for Life. The challenge opens on Feb. 1, 2024, inviting grade 9–12 social studies students to participate.  Submissions will be welcomed until April 30 and the winners will be revealed during Economic Development Week, May 6 – 10. Participants in the Why I Love Alberta Youth Challenge have the chance to earn recognition and prizes for their creative contributions. Cash prizes of $1,000, $500 and $250 will be awarded to the top three submissions, respectively, along with a corresponding amount granted to each winning student’s classroom. “We are excited to collaborate with Ag for Life in the Why I Love Alberta Youth Challenge,” said Leann Hackman-Carty, EDA CEO. “This innovative contest not only empowers Alberta’s high school students to showcase their creativity but also underscores the unique opportunities our province offers. By encouraging students to share their perspectives through engaging videos, we hope to highlight the vibrant and promising aspects of Alberta, reinforcing its status as a prime destination in the west.”   To participate and for more information on the Why I Love Alberta Youth Challenge, please visit: www.lovealberta.ca EDA members will have access to the videos to integrate authentic narratives into their community marketing strategies, thereby enhancing the promotion of the region for economic development purposes. Please refer to this toolkit to learn how to make the most of this challenge. It also contains samples of social media messages and social media graphics you can use.  For more information on how you can become involved and to learn why this contest is important to your community, please join us for a FREE webinar:

2024 Youth Challenge

Why I Love Alberta Youth Challenge FREE Webinar Wed. Jan 31 12:00 – 1:00 PM Register YI#LoveAlberta Youth Challenge Webinar

About EDA Economic Developers Alberta (EDA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing resources, professional development, and networking opportunities to economic development practitioners for 50 years.   EDA is at the forefront of fostering resilient communities with a commitment to equipping individuals and communities with the skills and resources needed to thrive. Joining EDA is an opportunity for economic development professionals looking to excel in their careers and make a meaningful impact on their communities.   Members of EDA gain access to a wealth of resources, cutting-edge professional development opportunities, and a vibrant network of like-minded individuals dedicated to creating thriving communities. www.edaalberta.ca   About Ag for Life Ag for Life (Agriculture for Life) has the mandate to deliver educational programming designed to improve rural and farm safety while building public understanding around the agricultural industry. Ag for Life is made possible through the funding and commitment of companies that employ almost 20,000 people in more than 350 Alberta communities. Founding Members include AdFarm, Glacier FarmMedia, Nutrien, Rocky Mountain Equipment and UFA Co-operative Limited. Find out more at www.agricultureforlife.ca.
